The Practice of Circling

What is Circling?

Circling practice is a kind of relational mediation. It’s a way to explore the relational field between self and others. It brings a greater sense of presence, awareness and connection. It’s about being seen and accepted for who you really are. Circling as a unique process has been around for about 30 years. It is rooted in mindfulness, integral theory and conflict resolution.

More information about Circling practices can be found here:   

And here:

And this is Me talking about how it has helped me and how I use it:

This kind of attention we find in Circling is often rare in daily life. This process brings a deeper connection with self and other. It can also bring new insights and feelings of profound acceptance – both for the person being circled and the others in the group.

Circling prcactices might be for you if you’re interested and curious about :

– becoming more aware of what comes up for you as you interacts with other people

– connecting more deeply and intimately with others and with yourself as well

– giving yourself permission to show up fully as yourself

-understanding yourself better and wanting to accept more of yourself, more of the time

Circling prcatices might not be for you if :

– you are someone who is easily overwhelmed, stressed, or destabilized,

– you have a mental illness or significant emotional challenges ,

– you are not sure that you can be self-directed in taking care of your needs during the session

If any of these apply, it is probably not a good idea for you to participate. Should you choose to do so – it is at your own risk. If you are concerned about any of the above please do not hesitate to contact me so that we can discuss it in advance of the session.

Circling can confront us with aspects of ourselves that may challenge us. Circling invites us to bring awareness, ownership, and curiosity to these feelings, and to explore the full range of how it can feel to be in connection with others.

I am running regular Circling prcatice events at my home in Portobello, Edinburgh

Second Sunday of the month 1600 – 1830

Please sign up on Evenbrite

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