For Organisations

Value Your Team

You have a great team, and they are doing fantastic work for your organisation. But imagine how much more benefit you would get if you were able to show your team the value they bring to the organisation.

Staff would become more motivated, empowered, engaged and creative. Both the individuals and the whole team would benefit. And you and your organisation would benefit from less attrition and staff burnout. 

I deliver a series of tailored trainings to help you help make this happen

This work helps create an environment where staff value themselves and each other and helps them function at their best. It not only helps your organisation get most value from your staff, but it also shows your staff how much you value them.

These trainings draw on my work with individual clients.  I have conducted empirical research working with hundreds of clients and created trainings that address common issues. I also draw on my proprietary Adaptation Styles methodology, which helps identify and address common and unhelpful strategies. Too many professionals at every level struggle to truly believe in themselves. Many are caught in negative patterns that serve neither them nor their organisations. Patterns that are more likely to lead to burnout and can create stress for them and their colleagues.

These issues can be best addressed by working with the whole team or group within your organisation.

When leaders see how these dynamics play out, they can then support their staff recognise and then change negative habits.

As well as this framework, my work draws on four principles:


Supporting teams and leaders to learn more about themselves, so that they can also better understand their team. This self-awareness involves engaging both the left hemisphere of the brain, which governs cognitive functions, and the often-overlooked right hemisphere, which supports creativity and intuition. Awareness of both hemispheres, can create real, lasting change in ways that are rare in professional settings.

Nervous System Regulation

A conceptual framework is provided to increase awareness of how to manage stress and regulate the nervous system. This is supported by  sharing easy-to-learn tools to help reduce stress in an immediate and practical way. This helps everyone feel empowered to deal with the challenges ahead. These tools also support better integration between the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

Cultural Perspectives

Many staff in intercultural organisations struggle to communicate effectively across cultures. My sessions help staff to better understand people with different cultural orientations, so that they can work together more effectively and have more impact.

I am a credentialed Berlitz Cultural Orientations Approach® provider.

Addressing DEI and Bias

When leaders become more aware of, and address, their own unconscious bias, they are better able to recognise it in others and to address it in their team.  This helps to create more inclusive and welcoming environments for all.

Sample topics include

Articles from my blog